Juniper Berry Essential Oil
Organic Juniper Berry Essential Oil (Juniper) is a precious oil extracted from the berries of the juniper tree. Prized for centuries for its unique properties, this essential oil is 100% pure and free of synthetic additives. Refreshing and Energizing Properties Organic Juniper Berry Essential Oil is renowned for its revitalizing effects. Its pungent, earthy aroma fills the air with a feeling of brightness and vitality, helping to dispel fatigue and increase energy levels. It also has a clarifying effect on the mind. Cosmetic Applications and Benefits Apart from its aromatic appeal, juniper oil is an excellent ingredient for various cosmetic products. With its natural antiseptic properties, it helps promote clear and pure skin. It is commonly used in face creams, cleansers, and soaps, offering a natural solution for effective skin care. Order our essential oils in bulk now and take advantage of our great prices and optimize your supply! Subscribe to our LinkedIn page Visit our products page to see all our categories