Fruits and vegetablesFruits and Vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet. They provide us with vitamins, minerals and fiber that contribute to our general well-being. Fruits such as apples, bananas and oranges are packed with nutrients and antioxidants that can help boost our immune system and protect us from disease.

They’re also an excellent source of natural sugars, making them a healthier choice for satisfying your sweet tooth. Vegetables, on the other hand, such as spinach, carrots and broccoli, are low in calories and high in nutrients. They provide us with vitamins A, C and K, as well as minerals such as potassium and magnesium. Including a variety of fruit and vegetables in our daily meals can help us maintain a balanced diet and promote good health.

For example, dark leafy greens such as kale and collards are rich in iron and calcium, while red fruits such as tomatoes and red peppers are packed with lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. By incorporating a colourful mix of fruit and vegetables into our diet, we can benefit from a wide range of nutrients that are essential for our bodies to function at their best.

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